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shahdol, madhyapradesh, India
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Sunday 16 May 2021


 What is Natural Language Processing? 

Common language preparing (NLP) is the space of AI that arrangements with making programming that comprehends composed and communicated in language. 

NLP empowers you to make programming that can:

  • analyze text reports to remove key expressions and perceive substances (like places, dates, or individuals). 
  • Perform assessment examination to decide how sure or negative the language utilized in an archive is. 
  • Interpret communicated in language, and combine discourse reactions. 
  • Naturally decipher spoken or composed expressions between dialects. 
  • Interpret orders and decide suitable activities.

Natural Language Processing in Azure

you can utilize the accompanying psychological administrations to fabricate normal language preparing arrangements: 



Text Analytics

Utilize this support to analyze text documents and extract key phrases, detect entities (such as places, dates, and people), and evaluate sentiment (how positive or negative a document is).

Interpreter  Text

Utilize this support of interpret text between more than 60 languages.


Utilize this service to recognize and synthesize speech, and to translate spoken languages.

Language Understanding

Utilize this assistance to prepare a language model that can comprehend spoken or text-based orders.

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